Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Friendship Factor

People have different understandings and views of what I mean when I say "holistic lifestyle" so I'll give you my definition. Living a Holistic Lifestyle means to be aware of the needs of yourself and others, how your interactions and choices either affirm or destroy relationships, and how lifestyle choices affect overall health in general. Now I know what you're thinking, that this is going to tell you not to eat your favorite junk foods, or all the cool kids eat tofu, but you're wrong!  I was out bowling with my small group last night, and it got me thinking about the role friends play in the health and well-being of a person. (On a side note, did you know there's such a thing as a "bowling season?" I didn't, but I don't bowl on a regular basis, nor was I allowed to watch Roseanne when I was a kid. Thanks mom!)

You can't pretend to be cool
wearing shoes like these, even if
you are hanging with the Wolffpack!
I'm writing this portion snuggled up with Hurley, who in all honesty is great moral support, but when it comes to typing, she's a button masher, she drools on my keyboard and she has no thumbs, so I don't let her type.  I mention her here because I consider her a part of my holistic lifestyle. We go on walks, play, she's a great heating pad when I'm sick, she always happily eats whatever I cook...I could go on and on, but you get the point.

My two-legged friends are an important part of my "holistic" lifestyle as well. I am fortunate enough to have several distinct groups of friends that are wacky, cool, funny, smart, supportive, and just all-around good people with whom I am blessed to share these trips around the sun. These people stretch me to be a better person, and I'll list a few "anonymously" here (but you'll know who you are!)

1. The one who will literally take in any animal who wanders across their path and spend time and hard-earned money finding "forever homes." Of course, this one also let me almost drown in my accidentally-inhaled Fresca, but that's a story for another time. 
2. The one who will tell me to get it together in the nicest tone possible, who works with kids in heartbreaking situations and shows them the love of Jesus in ways that I would never be able to do convincingly. We also watch football together. :)
3. The one that kills my cell phone battery and keeps me up all night verbally dissecting events in our lives, who appreciates my mom's cooking even more than I do (and that's almost impossible!)
4. The one who reminds me that life is not always beautiful, that people are flawed individuals who make mistakes.  There's hope even in heartbreak, and people should be afforded grace and mercy, because if you haven't been there before, you will be there in the future. Thank you for reminding me of where I've been and I hope I can continue to be a source light and security as we all figure this out together.

And now for some of the groups:
1. My flesh-and-blood family. From the ones that look like they ride with the Hell's Angels, to the ones who teach yoga, and of course my immediate family, you all have contributed to who I am as a person and for that I'll be eternally grateful.

2. My small group, for being quite possibly one of the coolest assemblages of people on the planet. I'm so glad I met each of you and that I can share your lives every Tuesday night. WOLFFPACK!

3. My friends from college: you are proof that people attend ORU and can go on to lead normal lives. I'm so thankful for the new experiences, the tours of DC and the fascinating viewpoints you have on life. 

4. I am blessed to have grown up in Northeastern NC. I love ya'll  for your sandal-wearing, tractor-driving, sun and sand loving ways. 

5. A special shout-out to my military/government friends. You put yourselves in harm's way for us and our freedom on a daily basis, and I know you've seen some awful things so that I don't have to...and for that I'm forever in your debt.

"You are my
I hope you are blessed to have awesome friends like mine. :)

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