Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well, hello there...

Yeah, so it’s been a while since I posted anything. In my defense, I’ve been a bit busy. It seems like I’ve had non-stop social engagements, work, or heat waves to keep me occupied. I guess now that things have calmed down a bit, I’ll get back to the writing.
I started this blog for several reasons:
  1. Lyme’s disease really did a number on my writing and speaking skills. Sometimes when I’m talking, I cannot find the word I’m trying to say. It’s like it’s gone, and I am left with a gaping hole in my vocabulary. I am hoping that by writing regularly, my vocabulary will be restored.
  2.  I run across interesting stories, recipes, and websites. I like to share.
  3.  I like to shamelessly brag about my cooking, gardening, and other exploits.

At any rate, I’ve got some blog topics in mind. Stay tuned.

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